Happy fall, y’all.
October is certainly busy for us, just like it is for so many of you! We’re putting the finishing touches on a new www.bowedigital.com and gearing up for ALTA ONE, the national conference put on by the American Land Title Association.
It’s going to be great to talk to so many of our partners, and Wayne will be co-presenting a session called, “Are You Speaking To Me? A Blueprint for 5 Must Have Digital Marketing Channels.” We’ll give you a recap of what he says and everything else that we learn during the conference for you. We’re sure we’ll pick up lots of things we can use for our non-land title partners and future customers too.
For those of you joining our team at ALTA ONE in California, Wayne’s talk happens on Oct. 10 (that’s Wednesday) at 10:30 a.m. Be sure to stop by the Bowe Digital booth during the week too. We’ll have lots of cool stuff, and we love meeting new people. (Old friends are always welcome to stop and chat too.)
We’ve gotten lots of compliments on our first website during our first year in business. It will always have a place in our hearts, but we can’t wait to show you the new BoweDigital.com. It’s just so warm and inviting. You’ll see the faces of the entire Bowe Digital team sprinkled throughout, and even though some of us were nervous about the photoshoot, the pictures turned out great.
The new site also better highlights why Wayne named the company Bowe Digital. (Hint, it’s to honor his grandfather.) There has always been a blurb about Bowe on our page, but the redesign truly showcases it. We love that!
Our website redesign is a great example of what we can do for our partners. Anything can be improved and honed. Don’t wait until you’re behind to figure out how you can do something better. If you have any marketing desires you’d like to see become a reality, contact Bowe Digital today.