Marketing isn’t easy. You’ve got more options than ever before. Where to spend your time and money isn’t an easy decision to make. Bowe Digital promises to help small businesses around the U.S. with their marketing, advertising and communications. We want to work to get to know you and become part of your team, so that we can best serve your needs and help you grow.
Whether you have 1 employee or 100, we can service companies (and budgets) of any size. We’re proud to work with the smallest of organizations all the way up to Fortune 200 companies.
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Our owner, Wayne M. Stanley, spent years in Washington D.C., working for the U.S. Senate and the American Land Title Association (ALTA) before moving back to Indiana to start Bowe Digital. Our company has carved a niche in the land title insurance industry but we proudly work with businesses of any type. Family is very important to Wayne – in fact, the name Bowe is in honor of his grandparents– and we strive to become part of the professional family of our partners.
We want to help any small business that desires guidance with its marketing needs, no matter the industry or size of the company. Wayne founded Bowe Digital because he knew he had the skills and knack to empower businesses and other groups with great communication services. Bowe Digital is now a growing team with the resources needed to deliver success to organizations around the United States. By ensuring a fair, affordable price, and work that elevates your business, Bowe Digital is the best choice to position your brand for success without breaking the budget.
Wayne pictured with Grandma Bowe
Family photo of Wayne with Grandpa Bowe
What's in a name?
Glen Vernon Bowe was Wayne’s grandfather. Simply known as “Bowe” by many, he was an amazing man. He was a youth baseball coach, Air Force paratrooper, father, brother, husband and friend to all he met. He was not a man of embellishment. He got his point across quickly (usually before his beer could get warm). His grandmother, Shirley Bowe, had the biggest heart and helped solidify Wayne’s plan to be a business owner at a very young age. She was also instrumental in Wayne’s love of Christmas.
Some of Wayne’s fondest memories of his grandparents were the lessons his grandfather provided on how to play well on a team, how to behave in public and always be polite, the taco nights with his grandma at the local VFW, making homemade pasta and bloody mary’s and all the time they spent together in general.
When starting the company, Wayne knew it was a no-brainer to name it after Bowe, the man who taught him so much.
Work hard. Play hard. Respect everyone. That’s how Bowe would’ve wanted it and what we promise to deliver in his honor.